Health issues when using VR

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VR and the health issues it involves

I personally have never used a VR headset in my life but I have read about it and have watched multiple reviews about the technology. I too have got lost with the amazing tech used within the device and have forgotten about the health issues regarding VR headsets. That’s why I have written an article explaining a few different issues that people may not have realised before.

Such issues are:

  •        Tripping over your surroundings while in VR
  •       Eye strain, tiredness, headaches
  •        Mind tricking human brains

Tripping over your surroundings while in VR

We all know that small children are prone to falling over, but did you know that adults have fallen over multiple times when using VR? Yes, even though VR is a fun, new technology, that is taking the world by storm, there are down sides.

While using the VR headset, the user needs to ensure that their surrounds are clear, not just of furniture but clear of walls and people too.  Due to having to wear the VR goggles while under simulation the user is unable to see what’s REALLY around them, and hence putting themselves and others in danger. The user has to abide by the VRs every instruction if they want to achieve good results and hence need a cleared space for them to move around. A cleared backyard would be a perfect place to use the VR headset.

Eyestrain, tiredness, and headaches

Caution needs to be applied as VR headsets are placed dangerously close to the users eye, which can cause threatening problems for the user. I was reading a few articles online about VR and issues revolving around the technology, and came across a user which had to take time off his oculus rift headset to allow his eyes to repair from eyestrain.
“My left eye has been giving me problems due to the Rift,” he said. “Specifically the muscles behind it. Definitely eyestrain and it persists hours after I take the Rift off.”

This makes me wonder, is the VR headsets really taking us on the right path for the future or is it taking us on the wrong path of our health? Many will disagree with me, as they would say that a little eyestrain is nothing compared to the advanced technology at our fingertips. Which yes, I do believe that this technology is a break through and should be enjoyed by anyone who can afford it, but I don’t believe that our health needs to be jeopardised in order to keep this technology from evolving.

A little caution needs to be applied if we want our health to stay the way it is. Frequent breaks from using the VR headsets are essential if used for hours at a time, as well as maintaining a good sleep pattern.

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The last point I want to make is the idea that is VR messing with our minds?

Mind tricking human brains

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I have read a couple of articles about how VR headsets are making people do silly things, for example, falling over when there is no need to and jumping for no reason, etc. So my question is, is VR playing tricks with our minds?

Ok, seeing people trip, or jump for no reason while using a VR headset, would be pretty funny but also raises questions, why are they doing that when it’s not needed.

People believe that having to focus primly on the VR is the key issue as to why users are doing such things.

I personally believe that VR hasn’t mind controlled us, as it has, refocused our attention to something that seems to be “more important.” I do however think that solely focusing on the VR headset is a not an ideal thing to do as it is putting users at risk of hurting themselves and others.  

What I don’t understand is, that even from the beginning of time humans have been cautious beings, telling their children to not talk to strangers, to stay close, to not accept things from people they don’t know, to not wander. But yet we are willing to accept a technology like VR, which needs all our attention to be able to succeed and allowing ourselves to keep our guard down for a period of time.

This raises questions for me, as it has been scientifically proven that humans don’t like change, meaning we aren’t about to give up our cautious way of life for anything, but yet we have done just that for VR, which scares me.

How are we letting a piece of technology change the way we have thought for thousands of years??

Is it the new advances in technology itself or is it the way it has been advertised to us?

All I’m saying is that PRECAUTIONS need to be taken.

Isabella G.
